Control of the Bulk then of the finished product
Control of the bulk

Once the formula has been validated, it is produced by one of our partners. After the production, it is important to ensure that the bulk (product manufactured without packaging) complies with the specifications. Thus, several analysis are carried out:
- Physico-Chemical Tests: verification of PH, viscosity, density.
- Organoleptic Tests: appearance (visual and microscrop), smell, color.
- Microbiological Tests
It is only after the validation of all these tests that we start the filling process in the packaging you have chosen.
Control of the finished product

When the bulk is validated and the filling is finished, we inspect the condition of the finished product. This verification allows us to see if the packaging has been damaged (scratches, erased prints, etc.), its proper functioning (airless, pumps, dropper, closing, sealing) and if the filling has been carried out correctly. We check that the product always complies with the specifications (physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological tests).
We leave nothing to chance, everything must be in accordance with the DIP (Product Information File) as well as your expectations and specifications.
Control of production and product filling

Our teams regularly carry out external audits of our production partners. Indeed, we have carefully chosen our partners, we have worked together for years. We trust them and you can too.
Based in Switzerland for more than 70 years, these factories are accredited to the ISO22716:2007 quality standard, which is the ultimate guarantee of quality in our sector. We still go on site regularly during production for our customers in order to verify compliance with the GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) to which they are subject. We always leave more satisfied and proud to collaborate with these companies.